"They would be murdered twice if we remained silent"~ Charlie Hebdo columnist Patrick Pelloux
Reporter {Are you afraid?}
"I don't know if I am afraid anymore, I have seen fear. I was scared for my friend's and they are dead. So I don't know where my fear is anymore.
I know that they didn't want us to be quiet. They wanted us to continue to fight for these values, cultural pluralism, democracy, and secularism, the respect of others. They would be murdered Twice if we remained Silent!" ~ Charlie Hebdo columnist Patrick Pelloux (he went in to the offices right after the massacre to see his friends, he will also be part of publishing next week's edition of Charlie Hebdo)
We all I am sure have followed the events in Paris and other parts of France this week. The horror, the question's, the images have riveted the French People and the World. Why has this happened? What is the meaning behind this? In Short there are many reason's but one of them is the truly revolutionary nature of Western Culture, in this case the principle of Western Society of Freedom, and in this case the Freedom of Expression. How can ink on paper be so revolutionary and why are some so willing to kill.
Simply, Even the above image is one of the many reason's that some are willing to commit such horrible acts of violence. In Some way's all lovers of Liberty should be exclaiming #JeSuisCharlie or #IAmCharlie. These terrorists are so afraid, not so much of the past, but the tidal wave of what they deep down is the future. This value is almost taken for granted in the West, and in much of the world is still not realized, but actually is growing. This western value is infiltrating the whole world, you saw protests in Hong Kong, the Islamic Revolution, situation's in Nigeria, and even the reaction's of some in the West against speech, but Expression lives on. In fact Expression was attacked and might have just been reawakened in the West.
People have died to secure this right, and as we have seen, will continue, but not because they are being defeated; yet possibly because the victory of Liberte or Liberty is having in the world. In these tragic and dark times, it is actually hopeful that Liberty will not be squelched
A statement that to many can offend, but is deeply spiritual in a profound way was made"
""It may sound pompous," he said, "but I'd rather die standing than live on my knees." ~ Stephane "Charb" Charbonnier
There are tyrant's to Liberty and Freedom of expression, and I want to be clear that there are many voices, even in the West that are collaborators of this type of tyranny, who feel their voice and their cause is more important than the next person, even to the point where they feel their point of view must be "imposed" because of how right they are. Not all, in fact most are not religious fanatics, why we can really relate to the officer killed on camera. #JeSuisAhmed.
We have and we will see that Liberte will voice itself, it will not be silence, it will even multiply, the image below captures that so well. The barbarian brothers wanted to be martyrs, they are not, yet there was a martyr, and followers will grow, new son's and daughters of liberty, their call to arms will not be with a weapon, but with the deadly force of their voices, their presence and even with their pen!
Viva La Liberty! #JeSuisCharlie
Doug Langner 09.01.2015
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