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Tuesday, January 13, 2015

The Messiness Begins: Terror, its Response and Pluralism, How do they work together?

Yesterday I mentioned that the "messiness" of how to respond now begins.  While the  scene's from Sunday were amazing now we must roll our sleeves up and ask the question: What Now?

Pivoting away from France where of course the media is focused on, but what about other places? To the North of France, group's threatened Belgium for publishing photo's for Mohammad, To the North of there you have Gert Wilders in The Netherlands and Kurt Westergaard in Denmark, who are on the same list "To Kill for offenses to Islam" that the editor of Charlie Hebdo was on.  Sunday in Hamburg the paper was attacked for publishing images of Mohamed.  Today I am going to pivot East to take look at the Largest Country in Europe and see how their debate will be similar to other's in Europe, with of course their own history and unique situation.

Last night we saw the images of anywhere of 25,000 to 35,000 people rallying with a group called PEGIDA, translated for the English “Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the Occident”, basically a group against the Islamization of Europe.  Some of these people come from traditional far-right groups that have always been against those who don't conform to "German:" society.  That is a major concern, yet to only feel it is group of extremists is an overstatement and a sad oversight from main stream parties to see some of the real problems that Terror has, can and might bring, as well as how that fits in with many people, German, French, Belgian, American and ALL of the people that reside within them.

As stated that the main leader's of the main  stream parties of Germany have mentioned that these people are extremists, and trying to spread Islamaphobia.  I would say there are elements within this group that are trying to stoke those fires, yet to blanket this movement, is not the full story.

I come at these topics as a person who would support, for lack of a better term: "Progressive Concept of Western Culture".  I am one who defends: Freedom, Equality, Solidarity, Plurality, Freedom of Expression, the Right of All People to have their voice heard in peaceful freedom, Free to Worship, or not Worship as they want, all of that can and should co-exist, even for and with those you don't agree with or are even disgusted by. 

A poll taken by opinion polling firm Forsa for Germany's Stern magazine, found this below.

"Respondents to the poll were asked to choose which of 21 statements they were offered about Islam that most closely reflected their opinion. 83% of them think that Islam is associated with impairing women's rights, 77% thought Islam was a literalist religion; 70% said Islam is associated with religious fanaticism and radicalism. A significant part of Germany's population also believes that Islam is ready for violence (64%), hatred (60%), active missionary activity (56%), and striving for political influence (56%). Only 13% of respondents associate Islam with love for neighbours; 12% - with charity; 7% - with openness and tolerance."

If you look at these numbers there are some very serious opinion's that have nothing to do with typical "Right Wing" ideology.

83% Feel that Islam impairs women's rights - This should be a major concern for people of the West.

77% feel Islam is a literal religion  - If you know anything about religion of Europe, this is alarming and is an affront to many who are "progressive".

64% feel Islam is ready for violence - I find it hard to believe in my time in Germany that most people don't see this in a balanced way, but fear for the fringe of any religion.

7% YES 7% feel Islam accepts openness and tolerance - That is an alarming number and even if that statement is totally false, there is an enormous image problem, and therefore I would argue the problem must have some traction to it.

For all of those who agree with some of the basic tenants that many countries in the West have adopted, these stats show there is work to do.  Islamaphobia is a real risk in the coming weeks and months, yet there does seem to be something in these fears that are at least partially true.

There has to be an open discussion that these types of action's must and can't be tolerated, that is a hallmark of Western Society, whether ANYONE likes that or not.  You can be a believer and still stand up for a pluralistic society. It was heartening to hear  from the Muslim Community in Paris who spoke and even marched in force over the weekend how they were outraged and not only distanced themselves from the action's but seemed to frame, not universally, a way forward that Islam can, does and will need to find a better framework to enjoy the freedom's they enjoy and that are granted to them for living in a free, secular and pluralistic society.

The concerns of those marching should not be ignored as they seem to be by the main stream politician's and they need to find a way to separate extremist views with valid critiques of how integration has happened to immigrants who add much to each society.  We can't allow a parallel society where neighborhoods are intimidated into living under a De facto Sharia Law, where those who might even share their faith, but in a De facto way can't live freely under the law's of the Land. In Short, one nation, one set of Law's, that protect Freedom, equality and solidarity for all!

The history of Germany bears those scars well, from the rise of fascism, to the rule of communism in the East and the division's in caused in places like Berlin it is a conversation that will be contentious but it must be taken seriously and that there are people, not just "Right Wing" sympathizers who have some valid points to offer in a Secular Democracy.

These are tough discussion's, but the first thing we should resolve is that we must have them.  We should define what our values are and what we want them to be and then we need to engage in a FREE PUBLIC and PEACEFUL debate, that is taken for granted in the West and in some parts of the world are something they wish they had.

#JeSuisCharlie  #Frieden #Freedom

Douglas F. Langner
January 13, 2014

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